There are several common questions that are bothering the majority of our clients. For your convinience we have listed most of them here, with their answers, of course.
Learn everything you need to know about our delivery service and charges. How soon to expect your order? Do you fit our criteria for a free delivery? It's all here, just keep reading.
These are the terms you agree with by choosing to use our supply services. Here you will find the explanation of the relationship between us as a business and you as a client.
We take the use of your personal information seriosly, which is why we've made sure to clarify everything about our transactions and cookies usage.
If you are wondering about our returns policy here is the right place. Here we have listed all the details about our returns, refunds and instances of cancellations. This include the goods that are not applicable for a refund.
The process of placing online order with our website is simplified to one step check-out, but if you have any difficulties here you will find the solution. Payment methods are included.
Take a look at our company information. In this section you will find details about our location, service and additional facts related to the company.