Bona DCS 70 Dust-Free Vacuum System uses cyclone technology to make sanding a wooden floor an altogether more comfortable experience. All that irritating sanding dust is drawn into the totally sealed system which is designed to be emptied without any rick of dust escaping. And, there's no need to waste time covering up the job or cleaning up afterwards. Highly portable, the system connects to the dust outlet of the sanding machine allowing cleaner and faster sanding.
Longo Dust Bags and Filters (Coarse and HEPA) are also available.
Bona DCS 70 Key Features:
- Clean Air (0.1 mg/m3 dust compared to most modern European legislation limits of 0.2 mg/m3)
- Long-lasting and easy to clean filter
- 2-step cyclone technology separating chips and fibres from the sanding dust
- Long-lasting dust bag (8 x more efficient than other dust bags)
- Ergonomic handles and big wheels
- Compatible with all Bona sanding machines and most other brands
- Using DCS extends the life of abrasives and sanding machines